Terms and Conditions
User Rights and Responsibilities
用户对在本网站分享的任何和所有信息负全部责任,包括但不限于, User’s proper or improper use of this site. Therefore, 用户必须采取一切合理的预防措施,以保护访问和传播本网站共享的信息, 如用户提供该等信息,风险由用户自行承担. User shall be solely responsible for all content, data, information, 以及用户使用本网站传送或提供的信息. By using this site, 用户承认,博彩平台推荐没有义务监控任何违反适用法律或与维护机密信息有关的安全的活动或内容, but it reserves the right to do so.
Further, 用户不得以任何可能被视为违反适用法律的方式使用本网站,包括, but not limited to the following:
- 侵犯、盗用知识产权的, including copyrights, trademarks, service marks, software, patents and trade secrets;
- Engaging in the promotion, sale, production, fulfillment or delivery of illegal drugs, illegal gambling, 淫秽物品或法律禁止的其他产品和服务. Similarly, 禁止招揽非法活动,即使实际上没有招揽非法活动;
- 展示、传送、储存或提供儿童色情物品;
- Transmitting, 分发或储存任何非法材料, including encryption software in violation of U.S. 出口管制法律,或对博彩平台推荐构成民事责任的重大风险;
- Displaying, transmitting, 诽谤的储存或发布构成诽谤的信息的, slander, defamation, harassment, obscenity, 或以其他方式侵犯任何人的隐私或个人权利;
- Displaying or transmitting obscene, threatening, abusive or harassing messages; or
- Promoting, 提供或实施包括金字塔在内的欺诈性金融计划, 非法资金转移和刷卡.
- Interfering with, 未经授权访问或以其他方式侵犯了博彩平台推荐或另一方服务器的安全, network, personal computer, network access or control devices, software or data, or other system, or to attempt to do any of the foregoing, including, but not limited to, use in the development, distribution or execution of Internet viruses, worms, denial of service attacks, 网络泛滥或其他旨在破坏计算机服务或破坏数据的恶意活动;
- 干扰天芬大学的网络或其他授权用户使用和享受收到的信息;
- Promoting or distributing software, 以发送垃圾邮件为目的的服务或地址列表;
- 在消息头或其他内容中提供虚假或误导性信息, 使用不存在的域名或欺骗性地址, 或隐藏或模糊识别电文起源点或传输路径的信息;
- 侵犯个人隐私权,但法律允许的除外;
- Sending and collecting responses to spam, unsolicited electronic messages or chain mail; and
- 参加博彩平台推荐认为的任何活动, in its sole discretion, 可能会对博彩平台推荐的运营造成伤害, public image or reputation.
If a User violates this policy, Tiffin University may, but is not required to do so, 暂停用户使用网站的权限,并通过电子邮件或其他方式通知用户违反本政策的行为,以便在不影响天芬大学的情况下纠正此类违规行为. Tiffin University may also elect, in its sole discretion, 立即采取行动,在不通知用户的情况下,寻求任何和所有可用的法律和公平的补救措施.
在博彩平台推荐未能或延迟行使或执行本政策时,不构成对该政策或任何其他权利或救济的放弃. 如果本政策的任何条款因法律或法律变更而被视为不可执行, 该条款不予理睬,保单余额继续有效.
User shall indemnify, 保护和维护博彩平台推荐免受所有责任的侵害, obligations, losses and damages, plus costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising out of any claim, damage, loss, liability, 第三方对用户提起的与用户使用本网站有关的诉讼或行动.
用户访问和使用本网站须遵守博彩平台推荐的隐私政策和所有适用的联邦法律, state, and local relating to same. Tiffin University’s privacy policy can be found at renacerdelosyariguies.com/privacy.
博彩平台推荐不经营这个网站, 不能也不代表或保证正常操作, confidentiality, 或本网站或本网站所载任何资料的安全. 博彩平台推荐不承认,用户在此免责, waives, and agrees to indemnify, 为用户或博彩平台推荐所遭受的任何损害辩护并使博彩平台推荐免于承担任何责任和义务, including, without limitation, 因使用本网站而产生的律师费和费用. Without limiting the foregoing, 对于用户或任何第三方的利益损失,天文大不承担任何责任, or special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, including lost profits and costs, in connection the performance of the site, or User’s use of same, 即使博彩平台推荐意识到这种损害发生的可能性.
Modification of Terms
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155 Miami Street
Tiffin, OH 44883